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Peace action

Peace Action

Peace Action was formed in 2001 through the fusion of several informal groups of pacifists, anti-militarists and conscientious objectors. Our mission is to promote peace and culture of non-violence. In the first five years of our existence, the goal of our work was the recognition of the right of conscientious objection, its implementation and, consequently, the abolition of the mandatory military service.

From 2006 we started working on the “Regional program for antimilitarism and antidiscrimination”, which focused on enabling young people to recognize and to deal with various cases of militarism and discrimination. Alongside activists from Peace Action, in this program were also involved young people from civil society organizations from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Croatia and Macedonia.

The program “Dealing with the past” began in 2008 and includes collecting of life stories about the war in Macedonia of 2001 and establishing a Documentation center for the war of 2001. The program also includes publishing of books containing life stories, journals related to the topic, collecting books, magazines and other material about the war of 2001, as well as organizing peacebuilding trainings with participants from the crisis regions in 2001. This program also incorporates our work with war veterans from both sides, which has a specific weight and can have a very constructive role in peacebuilding in Macedonia.

The website is part of the “Dealing with the past” program of Peace Action, in cooperation with and support from the organization “KURVE Wustrow” from Germany, and funded by the Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany.
