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The book “Growing Up with War” [original title: Растење со војна/Rritje me luftë], published in 2009, contains 10 life stories (in Macedonian and Albanian) of people who were young during the war in 2001.

The book “13 Women’s Stories of a War” [original title: 13 женски приказни за една војна/13 tregime femërore për një luftë], published in 2011, contains life stories (in Macedonian and Albanian) of 13 women with regard to the war in 2001.

The book “Hearths” [original title: Огништа/Vatra], published in 2013, contains 12 life stories (in Macedonian and Albanian) of people who were displaced by the war in 2001.

The book “Sorry, but You Are of a Wrong Ethnicity” [original title: Извини, ама ти си од погрешна националност/Më fal, por ti je nga kombësia e gabuar], published in 2014, contains 13 life stories (in Macedonian and Albanian) of people who belong to the non-majority ethnic communities in their place of residence